Elston Donnahoo Williams sponsor Terminettors kids tennis
Free Tennis For Kids
The Law Offices of Elston, Donnahoo, & Williams are pleased to sponsor the new Terminettors tennis program aimed to encourage and support outreach and drive for kids. This new program starts this Saturday, September 25th, from 10:30 to Noon, and continues every Saturday through October 30th.
9/30, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30
10:30am – 12noon
Aston Park Tennis Center
336 Hilliard Ave
Asheville, NC 28801
To Register:
Contact ATA President, Jeff Joyce
Telephone: 828.691.1197
Email: [email protected]
The Offices of Elston, Donnahoo, & Williams are sponsoring Asheville Tennis Association’s introductory program to the game of tennis along with Asheville Parks & Recreation. This free tennis programs is for kids 6-11 and focusses on reaching out to city community centers for the underserved.
The program includes free tennis rackets, balls, instruction, and lunch! It’s an excellent way to introduce children to the game of tennis and as a way to build community and sportsmanship among youth tennis players.
To learn more
For more information, check out the Asheville Tennis Associations website, and calendar page.
The Law Offices of Elston, Donnahoo, & Williams are proud sponsors of the Asheville Tennis Association.